Anna McElligott

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Meet Anna McElligott

Once upon a time our lives were so much harder.  We had no options for helping ourselves with everyday bumps, bruises and overall issues that every family with children encounter.  When my children were small I knew deep down that I didn’t like using all the things I was told I needed on hand for all the things children got when small.  I had no idea there were so many different viruses and weird illnesses out there until I had kids!

Fast forward several years to when my kids were getting older and one suffered greatly with allergies.   I knew in my heart there had to be a better way!  As I was talking to my niece about this she told me about a product she had discovered that helped her immensely, and this product was all natural!!!

I waited an entire year before I decided to jump in and give it a try, this particular spring was really getting to my child with allergies and I hated feeding her OTC allergy meds.   I took the plunge and ordered the products she suggested and was so happy with how much they helped my daughter, no more allergy meds for us!!!

Our lives are so much better now and in my research I have discovered so many more ways to use the products she suggested.  Now when we have the sniffles or someone gets a bump or one of them is stressing over a problem I have a way to help them naturally!  I am so happy and we are so much healthier as a result!!!

Want to know more? Come learn with me!

Anna McElligott 

Contact Me

Get in Touch:
Anna McElligott
Ione, OR 97843 USA
Phone: 541-571-3054
