I help women over 50 create a life they love. 

 I'm so glad you found me! We're going to go places together. 


A Little About Me 
I'm Anna, a brand partner for an amazing wellness company, former nurse and am married to my best friend, living on a ranch in Eastern Oregon. I have 6 wonderful kids and two grand sons. A few years ago, I noticed I didn't have the energy I use to have. I was feeling tired all the time and I just didn't look forward to life like I once did.

I went on a venture to find a way to feel like I did when I was younger, along this journey I found a company that has the things that have helped me to learn and understand that I needed to cut things out of my life that were making me sick. I also found a tribe of friends that are doing the same thing! And now I'm living my life to the fullest and hope you join me on the journey!

NO IDEA WHERE TO START?  Worried about wasting money on trying to guess what your body needs?  This wellness scan can help you take the guess work out of what your body is needing to reach the goals you are searching for.  

Ready to schedule your scan?

Get in Touch:
Anna McElligott
Ione, OR 97843 USA
Phone: 541-571-3054

Email: mcelligotta_2000@yahoo.com