Are you a sugar addict?
We have been doing a 7-day sugar detox this week in my Facebook group.  
Do you eat too much sugar?
Have you ever tried to cut it out completely? 

Here are some excellent reasons for you to consider if not cutting it out entirely, at least limiting how much you consume.  

  1. When you consume sugar, it is immediately absorbed by the body into the blood stream and is stored as fat. As a result, cutting sugar from your diet can help you lose weight.
  2. Consuming sugar may increase your risk of developing diabetes. When you consume sugar and you get a spike in blood sugar your body releases insulin. This constant release of insulin is not good for your body and can cause insulin resistance.
  3. Sugar contributes to inflammation in the arteries which also increases your risk for cardiovascular disease. Studies show that inflammation in the body can lead to many issues.
  4. And did you know that sugar causes you to age faster? It has been shown to contribute to premature aging. 
  5. Sugar is not good on your liver; it can lead to the condition known as fatty liver.
 There are so many other things that sugar does to our bodies.  If you would like to learn more here is a great article I found on WebMd.  You can check it out here.


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