
“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” Proverbs 23:7  Have you really thought about what this verse means?  What you think, is what you are.  It is really powerful.  Have you looked into manifestation?  
What we send out returns to us “ask and ye shall receive” Thought and emotions together is what manifests things.  I love to listen to podcasts on mindset.  It really does affect our world.  Just as you can think yourself sick.  Have you heard of the miracles of those who have healed themselves with the power of thought? 

 I love the following by Esther Hicks:

“In the same way that sculptors mold clay into the creation that pleases them, you create by molding Energy.  You mold it through your power of focus, by thinking about things, remembering things, and imagining things.  You focus energy when you speak, when you write, when you listen, when you are silent and when you remember, and when you imagine, you focus it through the projection of thought.

Like the sculptors who, with time and patience, learn to mold the clay into the precise desired creation, you can learn to mold the Energy that creates worlds through the focus of your mind. 

And like sculptors who, with their hands, feel their way as they recreate their vision, you will use your emotions to feel your way to Well-being.”

-Esther Hicks, author of “Ask and it is Given”

In her book Esther Hicks says that the Law of Attraction is simple:  Ask, Be open to receiving, Let it go, Receive.

Have you ever been around someone who is extremely negative?  You can feel the energy that they put out.  After a while it can affect your mood too.  Words are powerful.  They have their own frequency.  They are more powerful than thought.  If you say you are something your body will respond and become just that.  It is so important to pay attention to how we speak.   Do you always tell yourself “I am poor”, or “I am sad” or “I am tired”?  If you tell yourself these things your body will respond by making yourself just that.  It is so easy to put out the negative thoughts.  Try changing those thoughts and see if you notice a difference.  Try I am happy, I am vibrant, I am full of energy.  It is amazing how powerful words can be.  Speak them out loud and they will have a greater impact.  Write them down and read them every day.

Gary Young created what he called “The Great Day Protocol”  using essential oils and affirmations to get your day started right!   If you want more info on it you can check it our here. 
If you are interested in getting these oils you can find them here.



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