There are three ways to use your oils. Aromatically in your diffuser, or place a drop in your hand, rub them together and cup over your nose. Inhale and enjoy😁. Inhaling your oils is one of the quickest ways to get them in your system as they don’t have to go through the digestive tract! Tests have shown that oils reach the heart, liver, and thyroid in three seconds when inhaled. Talk about some oily goodness!
The second way to get them in your body is topically through your skin. Some oils are considered “hot” oils and need a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil to dilute them, be sure to always dilute on a small child. You can apply them anywhere on your body but I recommend looking up vita flex for ideas of where to apply. Tests have shown they were found in the bloodstream in 26 seconds when applied topically.
We have an entire line of oils labeled for ingestion. They are our vitality line and are labeled with white labels for easy recognition. Same oil, different label. Some of the oils I ingest go in my water, others under my tongue and some go in a capsule. Their are some “hot” oils like Oregano Vitality that are extremely hot and will burn your mouth. My favorites to put in my water are the citrus oils like Lemon, orange, and grapefruit. If you have your kit try a drop in your water! A great overall support for your body and very refreshing for your taste buds😃
There are a few things to be careful about when using your oils. Never put oils in your ears or eyes. Use a carrier oil on small children. Some oils are photosensitive, meaning you don’t want to go out in the sun after applying them. These are mostly the citrus oils like lemon, lime, orange, etc.
Now go oil up buttercup🤣
Happy Oiling,