Shower discs
  • 1 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Essential oils of choice. 
Mix together baking soda and water. Pour into silicone molds, I have also used cupcake liners. Let sit until they are set up. You can put them in the freezer if you are in a hurry. Store in an airtight container. When you are ready to use them add a few drops of essential oil. My faves for winter are eucalyptus radiata and RC. You could add peppermint also. A nice choice for relaxation is orange and lavender. Drop in the bottom of the shower and enjoy the soothing aroma as the steam carries it throughout your shower. 

Roller blends

  • 10 ml roller bottles
  • Carrier oil, I like fractionated coconut oil or grape seed oil. 
  • Essential oils of choice, for wellness I use thieves and lemon
Add 6 drops of thieves Essential oil and 4 drops Lemon Essential oil, top with carrier oil. Roll on bottoms of feet before bed and before leaving the house. 

Diffuser blends

3 drops thieves 
2 drops peppermint 

3 drops thieves 
2 drops RC

3 drops thieves
2 drops lemon 

How about a hot cup of water with a few drops eucalyptus oil, breathe deeply and enjoy the soothing aroma. Discard when done. 
I also like to make everyone a cup of tea with a few drops thieves vitality and lemon vitality with a teaspoon of honey. So soothing😁

Another nice soothing winter time Essential is a chest rub.  I like eucalyptus, lavender, RC, anything that is soothing to you, add 5 to 6 drops to some coconut oil. 
Hope you enjoy these winter wellness recipes. 
Happy oiling,


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