How do you support your immune system?
There are so many things you can do to support your immune system!  Here are five things we do regularly.
  • High Quality Supplements:  Taking high quality supplements along with a healthy diet of fruits and veggies. Do you take supplements?  It’s so important to choose good quality. Did you know that most supplements have only a 30% absorption rate?  The supplements we have found are infused with Essential Oils and they have an 80% absorption rate.  That is a whopping 50% increase!  This tells me you get way more bang for your buck and the supplements will be that much more effective!
  • Superfoods:  Eating foods referred to as superfoods is so great for you!  I found an amazing antioxidant drink that we love!  It is full of superfoods and is a whole-body supplement. Do you eat superfoods!  I also like to make smoothies for my kids!  So nutritious and tasty too!  Our fave is Strawberry. Add blueberries for an amazing boost!  Blueberries are one amazing super food!  Other superfoods are leafy greens, nuts, and all berries.
  • Sleep:  Getting a good night’s sleep is so important for your immunity. Your body needs sleep to recover. In a recent study, scientists say they discovered that quality sleep can bolster the T cells in your body that fight off infection.
  • Essential Oils:  Essential Oils are great for your immune system. Our faves are Thieves, Immupro, Raven, and Eucalyptus. We try to diffuse Thieves Essential Oil every night in Fall and Winter! We also carry a roller bottle with Thieves with us to use whenever we feel the need!
  • Exercise:  And last but not least get your body moving!  Exercise is great for your immune system!


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