Have you used Essential Oils?  If you have not let me tell you you are missing out on some awesomeness!  Essential Oils can be used for so many things, from soothing a child after a stressful day to supporting your immune system to get through the long winter months. We don’t go a day without using essential oils, I don’t know how we got by without them for so long. I only wish I had had them when my kids were little.

     How did I get started using these wonderful oils!  About five years ago my niece got started with Young Living and shared with me the amazing power of these oils, at the time I just shrugged her off. Oh I liked the smell of them and I figured they were all she said they were I just didn’t see a need. Fast forward a year later, after she kept telling me multiple times I needed them in my life, I decided I would give them a try. I bought my starter kit and wondered why on earth did it take me sooo long!  The next month I was on Essential Rewards (our monthly auto ship program) because I wanted alllll the things!  I am so thankful I made this decision, the impact on our health goals has been phenomenal!  From using the oils to replacing all my toxic cleaning products the impact on my family has been more than I ever could have imagined.

Want to know more?  Let’s start with what in the heck are these “oils” everyone raves about. They are the most powerful part of the plant, distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, fruit, rinds, resins, and herbs. They consist of over 100 different natural organic compounds.  They support every system in the body!  Isn’t that amazing!

       Okay but do they work?  I have been using them for four years and I can definitely tell you they have made such a difference, my immune system is stronger, my kids have overcome some issues that they dealt with before we began using them. My husband is even a fan and uses them everyday!  The only thing I can say is if you try them you will see for yourself. I could talk all day about the wonder of these little bottle of oils but until you try them for yourself you cannot imagine, I still get amazed at times when I use them and see the results I get from them.

      Why don’t I go pick these babies up at my local grocery store?  Let me tell you I have smelled the oils that come from other places and you can definitely tell the difference in a pure oil and one with fillers. Let’s talk a little about the purity of an oil and what to look for when you are considering buying essential oils. In the United States there is no rating system for essential oils. The closest we get is an FDA requirement that in order to label a bottle of essential oil pure the contents of the bottle must contain at least 5% essential oil!  There are four grades, grade A:  which is therapeutic, made from mostly organically grown plants and distilled at low temps. Grade B:  these are food grade but may contain synthetics, pesticides, fertilizers, chemical extenders, or carrier oils. Grade C:  perfume oils that often contain chemicals. They use solvents, for example hexane to gain a higher yield.  Solvents can be cancerous and are in many store bought oils. They may be diluted 80-90% with alcohol. Grade D:  these are floral waters which are a byproduct of grade A distillation. After all the oil is pulled out the leftover trash water is sold to companies who will fill 5 percent of the bottle with this and the rest with carriers and label it pure.  Say what?  I don’t know about you but I don’t want 5% or even 50% with who knows what else in there for fillers!

     Grade A are the only pure oils. Before you purchase any essential oil check to see if the company you are buying from grows their own oils. Can you go see how their oils are made?  I chose Young Living because I am confident that what I am getting is a grade A Oil. If you would like to learn more about Young Living and why I trust them you can check out their seed to seal promise here https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/discover/seed-to-seal   Did you know you can go visit the Young Living farms and see for yourself how this is done?  To me that says everything I need to know.
Here is a picture of one of my daughters in front of the lavender plants in one of the greenhouses at the Young Living farm in Utah.  If you get a chance you need to visit this farm.   In my next blog post I will share some tips on how to use  essential oils and some safety tips. Thanks for joining me!

Happy oiling😃


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