Happy Valentines everyone! How do you celebrate Valentines Day? We have no real plans today because of it being Ash Wednesday and we have church tonight. I read this great blog post from an Instagram friend and it has inspired me to celebrate! I use to make a very nice dinner using our fine wedding china, because I have it might as well use it, right! So decided to plan a dinner on Friday. I have a turkey in the freezer that needs cooked. Also one of my daughters reminded me yesterday that I hadn’t used my nice china in forever. I replied “ya it’s a lot of work!” So time to “break” out, not literally, my dishes and plan a nice dinner! Maybe candlelight also! Or I could use my Desert Mist Diffuser with the candlelight setting😃. Add some Stress Away, maybe some Jasmine! Now I’m getting excited😆. I do love to fix a beautiful table with yummy food, it’s just tons of work! I will take pics and share with you all!
I would love to hear your plans for the day!
BTW Rose Oil is on sale from today until the 16th! This oil is on my wish list! Did you know?~ Rose oil is amazing!!!
It takes 10,000 roses to fill a single 5ml bottle (about the size of your thumb)!
- It also takes 60 roses to create a single drop of Rose oil. That’s just under 5 dozen roses!
It is extraordinary to think of how many roses it takes to make a single drop of this magnificent oil. Imagine receiving 5 dozen roses from your beloved, can you visualize the space it would take up in your living room?
Here are some more astonishing visuals…
– 10,000 roses is equal to 833 dozen roses.
Can you visualize that in your living room? Oh the fragrance!
Happy oiling,
I would love to hear your plans for the day!
BTW Rose Oil is on sale from today until the 16th! This oil is on my wish list! Did you know?~ Rose oil is amazing!!!
It takes 10,000 roses to fill a single 5ml bottle (about the size of your thumb)!
- It also takes 60 roses to create a single drop of Rose oil. That’s just under 5 dozen roses!
It is extraordinary to think of how many roses it takes to make a single drop of this magnificent oil. Imagine receiving 5 dozen roses from your beloved, can you visualize the space it would take up in your living room?
Here are some more astonishing visuals…
– 10,000 roses is equal to 833 dozen roses.
Can you visualize that in your living room? Oh the fragrance!
Happy oiling,