Let’s talk Thieves household cleaner!
We are bombarded with toxic chemicals in our homes every day!  Look at all of your household cleaners and their ingredients list, can you even name them?  How about all of the warnings on those bottles?!I don’t know about you but I definitely don’t want to be breathing that garbage!  Use in a well ventilated room? Seriously?  Use gloves? Don’t think so!  All these cleaners have xenoestrogens in them, xenoestrogens are chemical based hormones that cause estrogen dominance in both boys and girls. Here is a great article on xenoestrogens https://adrenalfatiguesolution.com/xenoestrogens/   Here also is a list from the Environmental Working Groups Hall of Shame http://static.ewg.org/reports/2012/cleaners_hallofshame/cleaners_hallofshame.pdf

Think about cleaning your floor with chemical cleaners then walking on those same floors with bare feet, or worse yet if you have a little crawler in your house crawling around putting their hands in their mouth!  How about cleaning your counters and then cutting veggies on that same counter. So much exposure! We aren’t going to get into all the personal care products on top of that.

This is where Thieves household cleaner comes in. I love having a product that I can bathe in that I can also clean with!  Formulated with my fave essential oil, Thieves, you know that amazing immune boosting oil. It can be used to clean everything in your home and it is a concentrate that you dilute to whatever cleaning power you need!  Just yesterday I was cleaning my moms kitchen and you know that greasy gunk that gets on anything close to the stove?  Sprayed it with Thieves cleaner and was frustrated at having to scrub to get it off, so I decided to try it straight, no scrubbing at all!  My bottle was quite diluted so who knows maybe I could have had it less diluted for the same result, I can see I am going to have to do an experiment!  

This cleaner is also cost effective.  It is highly concentrated so you need only about a capful in a cup of water. With this ratio, one small bottle will yield you about 29 16oz spray bottles of cleaner. That means it’s under $1 for one spray bottle!  You can even get a a small convenient spray bottle to take with you for cleaning shopping carts, public tables, and so much more!

Here is a recipe for a DIY scrub cleaner:
3 cups baking soda
¾ cup thieves household cleaner
1TBS Distilled white vinegar
30 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. It will be the texture of a paste. Store in an air-tight container or jar. Best if used within three months.

If you aren’t yet a Young Living member you can get a Thieves Starter kit. This is a great way to begin using the amazing power of Thieves!  
There is also a Thieves Essential Rewards Kit available!

Happy Oiling,


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