Tired all the time?

Feeling Tired all the time?

My go to for a pick me up is Peppermint in my diffuser. It’s also a great one to have with you when you travel. Do you have a car diffuser?  If not you can find one on Amazon for a reasonable price. Or just add 10 drops of peppermint to a roller bottle with a carrier oil and roll on when needed.
There are also ways to support your energy levels on a long term basis. If you seem to be always tired try Ningxia Red. This stuff is amazing when used every day. It supports your entire body and helps with energy, because when you are healthy energy levels stay higher. Give it a try for a few months, I guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Another of my faves for energy support is Endoflex Essential Oil. I add a roller filament to my bottle and apply every morning to my neck, right over my thyroid, and to the bottom of each big toe. Endoflex supports a healthy Endocrine system. If you want to learn more about the Endocrine system check out my blog series Here
I also take the master formula supplements which provide much needed vitamins and minerals which I know help my energy level because if I forget to take them I can tell.
I don’t have time for tiredness so anything I can find to help my energy level is a must. On days when I know I haven’t slept well I like to add En-Er-Gee Essential Oil to my diffuser. Gives me a nice pick me up to help me accomplish whatever task I am working on.
Are you getting enough sleep?  In my next blog post I’ll share some ideas we use to help us to get a good nights rest.  

Happy Oiling,


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