Lemon Vitality

Here are some great uses for Lemon Vitality!

Substitute for Zest:  1 drop for 1 tsp, 7-1 drops for zest of 1 whole lemon.

Tea:  1-2 drops to your favorite tea in a glass container for a flavor boost.

Water Flavor:  Add 1-2 drops to your water in a glass, no plastic, for a flavor boost.

Dressing:  Use 1-5 drops per 4 ounces of dressing.  

Flavor Spray:  In a 2 ounce glass food grade bottle, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, 10 drops essential oil, and fill the rest with water.  Shake well before each use.  Spray on food at the end of cooking.  Add to salads, meats, or pasta.

Happy Oiling,



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