Fun things for kids!
There are some really fun things for kids using essential oils.  I wanted to share some recipes I found that can help you're kids have fun and relax at the same time!

Some great oils to choose when you are making these recipes are 
Lavender for it's calming properties.
Frankincense because it helps with focus
Lemon for it's uplifting scent
Keep in mind I only use Young Living Essential oils and cannot guarantee the purity of any other oils.

A fun activity for kids is sensory rice.

Take about 3 cups of rice and add to a freezer bag together with a few drops of food coloring if you'd like, a few drops of vinegar (the vinegar helps to bring out the color of the dye) and a drop or two of lavender essential oil.  Shake until it's all mixed up and pour into a baking dish or something similar that is easy for your child to play in.  

Cloud Dough
8 cups flour
1 cup vegetable oil
5-7 drops essential oil of choice
Optional:  powdered tempura paint to color
Mix all ingredients in a container.  If you don’t have tempura paint you can crush sidewalk chalk and color with that.   Store in an airtight container.

Here is one recipe for play dough, you can also find many recipes on pinterest and just add your favorite oils!

Essential oils scented Bubbles
1/2 cup dish soap( thieves works)
5 cups water
2 TBSP glycerin
10 drops essential oil of choice

Hope you and your children enjoy these recipes.

Happy Oiling,


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