I learn so much from talking with others about how they use their oils. I would love to hear from all of you, what are some of your favorites?  What have you tried that you just love and don’t know how you went so long without it?

I have so many favorites!  It mostly depends what I am using them for.  I love Northern Lights Black Spruce, and Exodus II just because smelling them makes me happy!😃. What are they for?  No idea!  I’ve never researched them.

My fave in the diffuser is Peppermint. Reminds me of Peppermint candy!  I normally mix others with it just to get a change, but that Peppermint is the “BOMB”!

For daily support I have four that I cannot go without!  Endoflex Vitality, Progessence Plus, Aroma Life, and Joy. I never miss a day of putting Joy over my heart❤️. It has taken some time for the smell to grow on me, not a fan of the floral scents. I also use Lemon Vitality, Grapefruit vitality, and Slique Essence in my water every day!  Research limonene if you want to know why!

If I had to choose one Oil I could not go without it would have to be Thieves!  This family thrives with Thieves. It goes in everyone’s diffusers every night, we add thieves vitality to our Ningxia, topically where needed. Thieves is my all time must have!

How about you?  What oils do you love?  Which one could you not do without?  How about your favorite smell?  I would love to hear about them!  

Happy oiling,


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