Let’s talk about our hormones and our endocrine system. Did you know that your endocrine system produces all of your hormones?  Amazing!  A happy well working endocrine system is so important for our health. Have you heard about endocrine disrupters?  Are you tired all the time?  Do you feel like your brain is foggy and you just can’t think clearly?  Do you have low libido?  Do you feel like you need sugar to pick you up in the afternoon?  Maybe you need to support your endocrine system.

First let’s talk about what our endocrine system is. Our endocrine system consists of 8 glands.
1.  The hypothalamus controls body temp, thirst, hunger, and is involved in sleep and emotional activity. When our brain becomes inflamed the hypothalamus will cause disease.
2.  The pituitary gland is a tiny pea sized gland in the brain referred to as the “master gland”, it produces many hormones that travel throughout the body directing certain processes or stimulating other glands to produce hormones.
3.  The pineal gland is the source of Melatonin, a Seratonin derived hormone that regulates sleep patterns.
4.  The Thyroid which regulates metabolism, heart rate, body temp, muscle tone, menstrual cycles, cholesterol, and bone growth.
5.  Parathyroid glands control calcium levels.
6.  Adrenal glands sit on top of your kidneys.  They produce hormones that help the body control blood sugar, burn protein, react to stressors like a major illness or injury, and regulate blood pressure.
7.  Pancreas controls blood sugar levels.
8.  Testes and ovaries which secrete testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.  

Now can you see why a healthy endocrine system is sooo important!  Here are seven tips to help you support your endocrine system. In my next few blog posts I will discuss a little more in-depth on a few of the glands and how to support them.
1.  First thing to think about is eliminating endocrine disrupters!  Here is a great site that goes into more depth and lists the endocrine disrupters https://www.precisionnutrition.com/all-about-endocrine-disruptors    Endocrine disrupters are stored in our fat cells!  
2.  Support your body to detox by reducing exposure, drinking lots of water, adding citrus vitality oils to your water, sweating through exercise, and taking detox baths with Epsom salts and essential oils.
3.  Eliminate inflammation in the brain by limiting foods that cause inflammation. These can include sugar, vegetable oil, gluten, dairy for some people, and of course processed food. And increasing nutrient dense foods, getting adequate amounts of protein, healthy fats, fruit, and starchy carbs.
4.  Supplements are a great addition to your day also!  We don’t get enough Essential vitamins and minerals through our food so it’s important to add them in through supplements and of course my favorite supplements come from Young Livings essential oil infused products. We also need extra antioxidants. My personal recommendations are Master Formula, Ningxia Red, omegagize, sleepessence or immupro chewable, Endoflex Vitality oil and for women Progessence Plus, and Powergize. I know this is a long list!  If you are just starting out I personally think Ningxia is a great place to begin. Try it for a month or two and see if it makes a difference for you like it has for me!
5.  Do your best to get enough sleep!  Go to bed at the same time, make your room dark, I have blackout curtains in my room, limit television and screens before bed. Blue light effects your brains ability to “turn off”. Put some soothing oils in your diffuser, spray your pillow with a lavender spray. A lack of sleep is an endocrine disrupter.
6.  Limit stress or change the way you react to it. Ways to decrease stress are deep breathing, massage, exercise, and this one is great! Power napping!  There are also some great oils to help lower stress. Stress Away is a great one,Bergamot, and Idaho Balsam Fir. Lavender is great for some. Experiment and see what works for you!  
7.  And last but not least exercise and strength training are both good for your endocrine system!  And for your whole body!

As you read through this remember I am not a doctor, I am not here to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. The info in this post is my own reading and learning and my own personal experience. I love learning about health and wellness and sharing what I have learned with others!  

Happy Oiling,


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