I believe we were created to live a life of abundant health and that God gave us the tools to achieve this. We weren’t created to be sick and tired all the time. I believe that the things we have done over time have deteriorated our health. Look around you, how often do you hear the words “I am so tired, stressed, I cannot sleep, depressed, I just can’t keep up” and it goes on and on. We weren’t created to live this way. But we have allowed all of these unhealthy habits to overtake us. There is a better way, we can help ourselves. We have to take charge and say NO MORE!  I am not going to allow all these toxins into my home. We are the gatekeepers. We can choose what comes into our homes. I know we can’t control all of the toxins that we are exposed to but we can limit a lot of it when we choose what products we are using on our bodies, what products we are cleaning our homes with and the food we are putting on our tables.
Young Living has so many Amazing products that can make it easier to choose a healthier way. From their cleaners to their oil infused supplements and of course all of the oils. They were made to support our bodies to function at its highest potential!  From personal experience I can tell you that I have so much more energy when I am consistently using the tools that God gave me to live a life of wellness. We weren’t created to to fall apart, we were created to live life fully. Will you choose to live to your highest potential?  
Be the Gatekeeper of your home. Take time to read what is in your products, take time to read what is in the food you are eating.  I wish you all abundant health!  

Happy Oiling,


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