Emotional Health
Emotional Health is as important as physical health but we often overlook it or ignore it.  

Remember good emotional health does not mean you are always happy, it just means you have good coping strategies when life gets tough.

What are some ways to improve emotional health?

Good coping strategies when you are feeling overwhelmed such as:
  1. journaling
  2. meditation
  3. talking to a therapist
  4. listening to music
I also find that praying helps.  I try to say a daily Rosary, faith for me is an important part of my life.  Without it I am not sure I could cope, especially during times of stress.

Exercise will help you to relax and it improves your mood.  Set aside some time everyday to get outside and enjoy nature.  Take a hike or a walk.  Enjoy the fresh air.  You will also be getting Vitamin D which helps improve overall wellness.

Get connected with friends.  Right now that can be challenging I know.  Have you tried connecting online if you can't meet in person?  I love zoom, you can see one another and enjoy a fun visit without leaving your home!

Get good quality sleep.  Have you ever noticed when you are lacking sleep you seem to be more emotional?  Here is a previous blog post I wrote on ideas to help you sleep.  

Laugh everyday!  Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, and dopamine.  It also increases the level of health enhancing hormones like endorphins. This means fewer physical effects of stress. 

Don't forget to focus on emotional health.  It is an important part of our overall health!  


Disclaimer:  I am not here to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness.  Everything I share is what I do personally and what works for me.  Always talk to a health care provider if you need advice on your health and wellness.  


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