Let’s talk about consistency and the use of your oils. I know I am horrible at this for some of my oils and my supplements. I have four oils I use every day and I don’t ever miss a day. I also know there are some oils and supplements that I could greatly benefit from. I will start using them and then forget, go back to using them and forget!  And around it goes!  Am I getting any benefits? Some, I am sure but not what I want. Same with my kids I get going really well and then something like games or other activity will get us out of a routine and I am back to forgetting to use them until I find a need. It is so much better to be proactive than reactive, you know what I mean?
We have to remember God designed our bodies to work efficiently and the oils help our systems to do what they were designed to do. They don’t “fix” things they support them to work as they should. So when we wait for something to go wrong and expect an Oil to fix it we are going about it the wrong way. We need to use the oils to help balance our bodies so they can work as they were designed to work.
If I use my thieves every day in my diffuser I am supporting my immune system so it can do what it needs to do. If I use my Endoflex vitality every day I am supporting my endocrine system to do what it was designed to do. Same for the other oils I feel my body needs.
Think of it this way. When you are thirsty your body is telling you you need water, right. We all know our body needs water to work the way it is suppose to do. We should be consuming enough water so we don’t get thirsty, if we don’t our body will tell us. If we listen our body  tells us what it needs and we can work on supporting it the way it needs supported for better wellness.
What is your body telling you?  Mine is screaming “ hey lazy, go out and get some exercise!”  I like to scream back “leave me alone I don’t need your advice!”  But seriously, listen to what it is telling you and give it what it needs. Are you feeling like you aren’t getting enough sleep?  Try Lavender in your diffuser at night to help you relax and wind down you might notice a difference. You won’t know until you try but you have to be consistent and give it time. If you are looking to find what oil you would like to try we have a great community on Facebook where you can get tons of support and many answers to your questions. It’s our Usage group brought to us by our amazing upline Crown Damond’s Kim and Ryan Prather. If you aren’t a member I can help you join.
Happy oiling and remember consistency is the key,


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