Summer on The Go!

Are you heading out on vacation?  Do you have any must haves that you have to take on a vacation with you?
Here are some of my must haves and favorites from Young Living!

I love this little Bon Voyage travel kit!  I just refill it when I run out!  

I also carry a little "first aid" travel kit of oils.  In there I have Geranium and Helichrysm, we have used these to stop cuts from bleeding.  Digize, because tummy issues!  Idaho Balsam Fir, great for head tension!  Purification, great for those lingering odors in hotel rooms.  Panaway, copaiba, and peppermint to layer together.  We've used this combo for sprained ankles and more!  Valor because I use this for my youngest who has sleep apnea.  Lavender, because "swiss army knife of essential oils"!  Sacred Frankincense and Frankincense,  for so many things, just google it!  Thieves for all the yuckies!  Palo Santo, we've also used this one for pain.  Melrose we've used for cuts and scrapes.  Lemon for detoxing the body.  And Peace and Calming for relaxing!  

If you'd like to know where I got the kit I use with an awesome companion book, you can find it here, oils not included!

I also don't leave home without my Lemon and Cypress because one of my kids has frequent nose bleeds when it's hot out.  I get a very cold washcloth with these two oils on it and it works great!

Here are some great don't be without summer essentials!

I love that this is not filled with all the yuck!

Most important fact, deet free!

And if you forget your sunscreen here are two amazing products to use after being in the sun too long!
This stuff is amazing for cuts and burns too!

Those are my must haves besides my daily oils and supplements and of course my Allerzyme that is always in my purse.  If you eat out and have tummy issues this supplement is Amazing and I go nowhere without it!

Hope your summer is Amazing and you get to go do something fun!

Happy Oiling,



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